Friday, July 23, 2010

Follow Friday Forty & Over Blog Hop

Are you a blogger over 40?
Never Growing Old and Mother of Pearl It Is and Mommies Faves are co-hosting this Follow Friday Forty & Over Blog Hop!

Join in the fun and get to know your fellow bloggers!!

The RULES to join in are very simple!

1. Grab the button
2. Add your link to the list
3. Visit as many other blogs as you can
4. Follow the ones you like (and comment on their blog to say that you are following)

NOTE: PLEASE leave your blog address when you leave a comment!! I have had several people wanting to follow back but the blogger can't always be found through the google info page!!

This list is new each week. The links do not carry over. Please link up each week for new participants to find your blogs. It will be visible all week to visit the blogs listed.


  1. Hi Kelley, Thank you for joining my list of follows. :) I am now following you and will be catching up on your back posts. Gerry

  2. Hello Kelly, Thanks for visiting and following my blog. I'm following yours now too! I must read your blog on gift giving etiquette - I need a crash course about now, smiles. I'm so glad we found each other blogs!


  3. Hi! Following you back from Java's blog! Thank you for visiting..your blog is beautiful!

  4. Hi. I'm visiting and following you back. Thanks for visiting my blog! Your blog looks adorable and I can't wait to read it.

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog today too!!!

  6. Hi Kelle!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and visiting the Follow Friday 40 and Over Blog Hop!

    I am now following you too!

    I would also like to invite you to join the Over 40 Bloggers Club!! Take a look and join in the fun!

    Have a wonderful weekend!!

  7. Your blog is absolutely beautiful!! I think I may have visited it before, or perhaps another one that you author??? We definitely have a lot in common. I am a mom to 3 daughters and a Mimi to 2 amazing grandsons. I also love the Lord with all my heart and try my very best to put Him FIRST in all that I do. I {{heart}} Mary Kay and could not live without it, plus a lot more that you have written!

    I'm stopping by from Java's 'Follow Friday 40 & Over', albeit a tad bit late. :0) I wanted to say hello and share some comment lo♥e.

    I really like your blog so I just became your newest Follower. I would be extremely honored if you would take a few minutes to check out my blog and follow me, too, if you're not already.

    In the meantime, I hope you are having a really wonderful week!


    Teresa <><

    ♥ Too Many Heartbeats ♥
